Saturday, October 11, 2014

Subliminal thoughts ...

Why am I thinking of ways to pass my time as my son struggles to live..Does that make me a bad Mom? I have forgotten what it's like to make my hair appointment, get my nails done or a massage ... All of the sudden those impending needs are no longer important. My head hurts from not enough sleep or not being able to completely let go and have a restful night. The sounds of all the machines and my sons breathing take the place of a melodic tune in the background of my mind. The rain streams against the window being pushed by the wind. I am feeling calm as I begin to drift into a heavy, but sudden sleep...Boom! My heart skips a beat as branches from the trees outside his window are blown against the glass.. leaving a creepy eerie feeling ... Has the Angel of Death arrived, oh Lord please no ...I raise my head and look at my son; I am reminded he is a young man and not the beautiful baby of my womb. But it is his time to live and not suffer. Silent killers arrive and strike like a knife ... No warning and no promise of departure ... I am so tired and my mind begins to shut down .. I want to stay awake as my body becomes lax and slips into the night ...


  1. I read your words of your son and I don't know all the circumstance but I mourn for you. Blessings.

  2. Life as it is. No bells. No whistles. And, no frills. The silent struggles. The endless march of drumming thoughts. The distraction that is life winnowing nooks of the divine to almost naught. Yet survive they do. For less God there is nothing left for hope to clutch to.

  3. Life as it is. No bells. No whistles. And, no frills. The silent struggles. The endless march of drumming thoughts. The distraction that is life winnowing nooks of the divine to almost naught. Yet survive they do. For less God there is nothing left for hope to clutch to.
