Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Not Again!!

Hello everyone,
Once again as I get to create this Blog, the darn site had to go down for a few days for patent rights .. well they are back and running but guess what?? My Blog skin did not return, thus bringing things to a screeching halt!! Next time you begin a very large project and you disagree with the professionals; don't!!! hahaa .. this is the results .. many delays and having to depend on others for help. So all done soon and then you will meet my cast of characters and story line. Thank you for all your patience. Bisous

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hello everyone,
I am sorry but I am experiencing web design problem with the Internet. I will begin soon. Oh if anything creating this Blog has been a challenge in persistence, but with a lot of patience!! haha .. It seems some of the people I am working decided to take their site down last night for maintenance and revamping of their own. I hope everyone is having a marvelous week. I am working from an exciting place with entertaining people ad staff. Crack a bottle of Champagne for me ... Thank you all and see you soon.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Well everyone the Blog design will finish soon then I will begin sharing my book with you ..I hope all is well and love is abound in this sometimes scary and dark world we live in .. So until I see you all one again, kisses n love for all ...